Friday, December 9, 2016

Class Parallels and How it Relates to American Attitudes

Coming to college I was very used to the high school educational structure where none of my classes related to one another. I thought that was how it was always going to be, but this semester I realized that isn't the case. There's more to college then the history, mathematics, and science. There's a correlation between the courses we take. In America, and life in general, theres always a bigger picture. People don't always see that bigger picture though. Everyone thinks that everything is unrelated, and that if we pass one bill it won't effect us, or pertain to the 900 other bills that are already in effect. We're ignorant to the causes and effects that our actions have on one another. It's like college. If I hadn't come to college I would have always thought that none of my classes would ever relate. There's more to life then what we see. Let's open our eyes and look at the bigger picture, and think outside of the box.

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