Saturday, November 12, 2016

An Interesting Day in the Court on the Case of Brown v. The Board of Education

For many years, America has operated under a segregated system. Blacks would go to one school, and whites would go to another. Unfortunately, for many blacks this was denying them the priveleges that many whites had. Black schools were no where near equal to the white schools. Teachers weren't as educated, supplies were lacking, and schools weren't as prepared. 

Today thats all changing. Today, we are making history. With the decision of the Supreme Court, schools will no longer be segregated. Blacks will be allowed to go to white schools, and vice versa. No more discrimination. How will America respond to this? Well, it all depends. America could respond very poorly to this happening, but at the same time, everything requires a change. America is being held back by the past. People are embarrassed to be in our country, and that is not okay. America is a wonderful place to be, and we should not have people be embarrassed because of our decisions. Lets all work together to make a positive change. 

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